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Q: What is the command to print directly from command prompt to notepad?
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When you are using the command prompt if you type in the print command it just says no file to print How do you print what is on the command prompt screen?

Use the print screen key. Without minimizing what u wanna capture then press the it. U should goto graphic editors like MS Paint and Press CTRL+V, save the image, then print it… but you only get the full screen or the active window with using print screen key. If u wanna get the command prompt screen. I recommend PCHand Screen Capture. It could help u capture anything on the screen, it offers seven capture modes and a build-in editor with which u can edit and enhance the captured images. Im using it, it is easy to use, even for a Novice. …Hope it could help u!

What is theSettings for dot matrix printer to print through command prompt?

Do the following: COPY PRN LPT1: (now you type what you want to print) Press CONTROL + Z, then ENTER. []s Groke

How do you print a process table in an operating system?

Command Prompt "tasklist /B >> processlist.txt" or without switch if you need more PID Time etc.

How to only print text of email?

select the text, copy it paste it into notepad and print.. or you can select the print text option of your print options.

Is Print Command an external command?


What is the difference between print preview and print command?

the print command gives an order to the computer to print a page but the print preview gives us a preview of the way in which it has to be printed

What BASIC computer command calls letters and numbers up on a screen?

The BASIC computer command that calls letters and numbers up on a screen is the print command.

How do you copy output of turbo c in Microsoft Word?

You cannot directly copy from Turbo editor and paste it in Word. But instead you can save your source file from Turbo. Then open that file in Notepad. From Notepad you can copy or paste to MS Word.

Where is the print preview command found in word?

go to open, print, print preview

What is the advantage of notepad?

universal file format, easy to use, low memory foot print

To print the list of the currently logged in user in unix?

At the prompt, type:whoThe output will be similar to:Alice tty1 2010-05-21 15:13 (:0)bob pts/0 2010-05-21 15:57 (:0.0)To see more options of the 'who' command, run 'man who' at the prompt.

How do you print your Gmail addresses?

You could print Gmail Addresses by collecting them in a document. The document could be a notepad, wordpad or a word document. It could be then printed.