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This is a difficult question to answer. Digital signals in television and audio are hailed as the "best" quality but there are many factors that affect the quality of both analog and digital signals.

Digital signals are not prone to quality loss once they are in a digital form. The data that makes up the signal can normally be stored, transmitted and received without error so the quality will be identical from start to finish. Analog signals can suffer from interference and losses which increase with the length of transmission line and with every active process used as the signal is stored and delivered. Therefore, in terms of quality loss, digital is likely to be the better medium.

Digital signals in video and audio are frequently compressed. Raw HD data needs a data rate of 1500 megabits per second but broadcasters frequently compress an HD signal to as little as 6 megabits per second. The compression process inevitably results in a loss of detail and a loss of quality. SD data rates are 270 megabits as an uncompressed signal but are compressed to as little as 1-2 megabits for broadcast. Again, the signal quality suffers. Analog signals are always broadcast as full bandwidth signals so they do not suffer from quality loss due to compression.

The final judgment regarding the best signal must be based on the quality of image seen. Without doubt, digital signal processing can deliver quality that most analog signals can never achieve but in reality, that is not always the case. Highly compressed digital television signals can often show a variety of unpleasant effects such as jerky movement and large blocks of the image without detail. As broadcasters devote more bandwidth to digital signals, the quality will improve but the quality is dependent on sufficient bandwidth for each signal.

There will be many differing opinions on this topic but it must always be accepted that "digital" does not automatically mean "better".

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Q: What is the best signal between analog and digital?
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