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Q: What is the best scanner for scanning old pictures?
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You were searching through some old pictures and you want to copy them onto your computer how do you do that?

A scanner is the best way. If the pictures are old, you will probably want to use a flat-bed scanner (one that you lay the pictures on) as opposed to a sheet-fed scanner (that would take a chance of damaging the pictures as they were fed through).If you do not have a scanner, you could possibly get them into your computer if you have a good digital camera and a tripod.

What type of scanner is best for copying old photos to my computer?

Canon CS8800F Flatbed Scanner is best for your choice.

Why mobile scanning is necessary?

To put old pictures or papers onto a computer. They can then be stored, manipulated, copied, and shared.

I live in Orange County and am looking for a place that converts old photos to digital CD I don't want to send my photos somewhere and I hear scanning them on a normal scanner might ruin them?

Placing your photos on a scanner cannot ruin them, light can only damage film if it hasn't been developed yet.

Where can someone find pictures of Old Montreal?

Pictures of Old Montreal can best be found at a local library. These pictures would be old so they many not be available on websites, although some tourist sites may have them.

Best way to dispose of old photos?

The best thing to do with old pictures is to hang on to them. If you do not want to you can throw them out with regular trash.

How does someone use a Coolscan?

The Nikon Super CoolScan Film Scanner can be used for high quality scanning of 35mm slides, 35mm film strips, APS film and prepared slides. It is a great product for saving old family slides.

What is the best movie scanner?

Kodak makes a wonderful scanner. I had some old slides slightly damaged and was able to scan them all in and put onto a dvd. It was only $100. Much much cheaper then businesses that will do them for you.

How can you transfer slide images to a PC?

Some scanners come with slide scanner attachments. There are also USB devices like the ION Film 2 SD 35mm Film and Slide Scanner, which costs around $100.The old HP Scanjet 3500c with slide attachment did a good job scanning slides for me. Just make sure to scan them at high resolution (600 or better).

Can i install my Xerox 2400 one touch scanner with OSX mac?

I am not familiar with the Xerox 2400 but, if you can make a Macintosh running OS X see the scanner, be it by USB, Wifi, Bluetooth, or even the old SCSI interface, there are generic scanner software that should be able to make it work. How well will it work is another question. Just do a search for 'generic scanner software for OS X.' If the scanner is older than, say 10 years, you may have problems with the Macintosh 'seeing' the scanner. It may be much easier to purchase and inexpensive scanner if it is that old. The inexpensive scanner will be far superior to a 10+ year old scanner.

How To Choose A Scanner?

Choosing the right scanner can be something of a daunting task if you don’t know how to go about it. A scanner can be essential to some businesses or to just get pictures on to your computer from an old photo album. If you don’t know exactly what you need, you may spend too much money or too little on a scanner that isn’t right for you. Here are some ways to go about buying a scanner that is perfect for you.1.&nbps;&nbps;&nbps;Determine your price. Before you start looking at scanners, you need to decide on how much money you are willing to spend on one. Determine the least amount of money that you are willing to spend and the most amount of money you are willing to spend. Don’t start looking at the bottom or top of these levels, begin with the medium amount.2.&nbps;&nbps;&nbps;Choose the right resolution. The resolution is going to show you the picture in varying degrees of clarity. You need to choose a scanner that is going to give you the best resolution per your needs. If this means that you need to spend a little bit more money or that you don’t have to spend that much money you should definitely be in the know.3.&nbps;&nbps;&nbps;How big is the scan area? The scan area is going to be a very big deal when it comes to buying a scanner. You want to determine how big of a scan area you’re going to need. This area is where you put the items that you’re going to be scanning. If you are going to be scanning documents or small pictures, then go with a scanner that has a scan area of twelve by nine. If you need something bigger, then go with a scan area a little bigger.4.&nbps;&nbps;&nbps;What kind of port do you need? Ports are something that can be detrimental to any scanner purchase. Before you decide on your scanner, find out what kind of ports are offered on your computer. Your computer might have USB 1.1, USB 2.0, or Firewire ports on it. You don’t want to buy a scanner that only has a Firewire output if your computer doesn’t offer a Firewire input.

Which two ways is usefull for finger printing?

The old fashioned way, with ink or digital scanning. Hmmm...scanning for digits. "Digits" means "fingers".