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total cerael for treats yogurt

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Q: What is the best people food for rats?
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Why do people get rats in the garden?

beacause the rats stole the food

What causes rats to come near your home?

Rats may be attracted to your home due to the availability of food, water, and shelter. Common attractants include garbage, pet food left outside, cluttered areas, and easy access points such as gaps or holes in walls. Making your home less appealing to rats by removing these attractants can help deter them.

Can rats eat jarred baby food?

Rats basically eat anything, but rat food, hamster food, gerbil food, etc. is the best for them. They do also like fruit and nuts too.

What will happen to this population of rats between fall and the next spring?

The 50 rats best able to keep food will survive

Can rats eat bread?

Yes, rats can eat bread. They seem to like hard, stale bread best. rats can eat almost any healthy foods that you eat. No fast food, junk food or chocolate.

Can rats eat strawberries and not get sick?

Strawberries are a good fresh food for rats but only give it to them in moderation. rats can eat anything that is purely organic, but if it rejects the food just try a different variety, rats, like dogs, are as variable as people

What's Best way to bond with rats without getting bit?

The best way to bond with rats without getting bitten is to always lure it with food bites in the open.

In what ways do rats disturb people?

they disturb people by eating their food and also they can destroy your house !!!!!

How does knowing how to find food help the rats?

Food helps the rats survive.

What are some of the major food ingredients in Brazilian food?

bananas tacos lettuce pizza pasta people and rats

What are some things people did in the great depression to survive?

they killed rats and animals for food

Do Chinese people cook rats?

Because there is no proper food in china like Australia. or maybe they just like Ikey smelly rats.