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avg internet security 8.5. if you want the antivirus and license upto 2018, ask me.

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Q: What is the best free virus protection that doesnt cause your computer to have a virus?
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Does Lego universe have a computer virus?

no it doesnt

Does imvu give you viruses if you have no protection?

Iam sure it can because it gave my computer a virus but I didnt have virus protection and Iam afraid to get back on it now because I dont want to get another Virus but at least now I have a new computer and virus protection on my computer but Iam still thinking on the Imvu thing.

Is a computer virus serious?

As with a biological virus, a computer virus could be serious or not so serious. It depends on what the virus is designed to do, what kind of anti-virus protection and virus vulnerabilities you have, and whether you have important information on your computer.

Is McAfee Virus Protection considered to be computer hardware?


Do computer viruses cause your computer speakers not to work?

It really depends on what virus you got on your computer. If the virus is aimed to disable your audio then yes a computer virus can cause your audio to not work.

How safe will my computer be if I use McAfee virus protection?

Your computer will be the safest around if you use McAfee virus protection. However, in order to maintain that high level of protection you will have to update your computer frequently so that you can protect it against the latest viruses. Your computer will be just as safe with any anti-virus software. What makes your computer safe is your attention to keeping the virus definitions up to date. That is the most critical part of any anti-virus software.

How would protect a computer from virus which has virus protection software installed?

By downloading latest anti virus software

What does virus protection software do to get rid of computer virus?

well most of them scan your whole computer and then after it finds the virus it will quarantine the virus ( to keep the virrus from jumping) and simply delete it

Is McAfee virus protection a computer hardware?

No, McAfee virus protection is not hardware. Instead, it is a software program. Hardware is the physical parts of a computer, but software is computer code. So an antivirus program is software, not hardware.

How can I get computer fraud protection?

Computer fraud can be secured by having internet security and protection from virus programs. You can get protection from your computer from various software. AVGAntivirus is a good program to protect you.

Why use antivirus protection?

Use of anti-virus protection protects the computer against viruses. Computer viruses can cause serious damage to files and programs which can lead to data lose. It can also lead to programs not running properly.

Can a computer virus cause damage to a computer?
