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BIOS can be upgraded without replacing the chip.

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Q: What is the advantage of using flash rom?
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What are the advantage of using a cd-rom and what are the disadvantage in past for using a cd-rom for storage?

the advantage is that sometimes the picture will be clear and it will be safe and secure. But the disadvantege is that the picture may be blurred.

What is the difference between flash ram and flash rom?

Flash RAM is used for temporary data, such as in a USB drive. Flash ROM is used for bios and system files.

Two advantages of using CD-ROM encyclopedia rather than the Internet tp get this information?

advantage and disadvantage of using cd-rom to get information about encyclopedia rather than internet

Which consist of nonvolatile chips 1. rom 2. flash memory 3. ram?

Flash memory and Rom I think

Advantages of using a flash animation?

advantage is that you can get distincintion when doing good animation

What advantage does flash offer as a web development tool?

The only big advantage to using flash is not having to worry too much about compatibility issues. Flash is its own separate program that loads separate from browser software.

Can a flash ROM be affected by a virus?


What are the advantage of using the internet rather than a CD-rom?

duffer idiot if i knew the answer i would not ask the question..................

How does a flash ROm improve the performance of a computer?

Flash ROM improves the performance of a computer by reducing the acces times of data. Since flash ROM is electronically stored, there is no need to spin and search a platter for information like a regular hard disk drive does.

What has non-volatile memory and can be reprogrammed?

Flash Rom

Which chip can be reprogrammed to update its content?

Flash ROM

Is flash memory a RAM or ROM?

we can say its a kind of ROM... since flash memory is a specialised EEPROM...