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it depends if you are on the heat laxer network or not if your not on the network about 10,000 but if you have the p90x heatlaxer network somewhere in the area of 100,000

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2 raised to the 16 power.

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Q: What is the Maximum no of symbols or characters represented by unicode?
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Maximum number of character that can be represented by unicode?

Unicode allows 17 "planes" of 2^16 characters. Thus, Unicode characters range from U+0000 to U+10FFFF - a total of 17 * 2^16 or 1,114,112 code points. As of Unicode 5.0.0, 102,012 actual characters have been assigned to code points.

What can represent more than 4 billion different characters or symbols?

ISO10646 UCS-2 (Unicode)

What determines the maximum numbers of unique memory address in a system?

for a more advanced description of Unicode) Although ASCII enables computers to deal with simple characters and control characters, it is limited to the English Alphabet (and some weird symbols like ☺ and ☻) Unicode, the modern standard for encoding characters, enables the expression of several other character sets like the arabic, european, and chinese alphabet. The most common unicode scheme is UTF-8, and the other UTFs are used mainly for some complex asian alphabet stuff I think.

What is the maximum number of words you can type in the Microsoft Word?

There is no limit on words, but on characters. Depending on the character set you are using, each character is represented by 8 or 16 units of information, generally. If you have a 64-bit computer, it can handle, I believe, 4,294,967,296 (4.29 billion) characters in a standard character set such as Unicode-8.

How do you make a wizard out of keyboard symbols?

Usually, wings can be illustrated using just keyboard symbols, these are very simple illustrations without the use of special characters like ascii, dingbats or unicode. The characters ), /, } can depict wings using a set of these characters, here is an example }{.

Coding scheme capable of representing almost all the world's current language?

Unicode is a coding scheme that can represent almost all of the world's current languages. It includes characters for a wide range of scripts, symbols, emojis, and special characters used in various languages worldwide. Unicode allows for consistent text representation across different platforms, devices, and applications.

Unlike ascII unicode is a universal coding standard designed to represent text based data written in any language including those with different alphabets?

Unicode is a character encoding standard that aims to represent text in all writing systems worldwide. It allows for the encoding of characters from different languages and symbols in a single standard. Unlike ASCII, which is limited to only 128 characters, Unicode supports over 143,000 characters.

Why java enhanced the size of character?

To be able to represent more characters. With 1-byte (8-bit) characters, you can only use 256 different characters. In order to be able to use more characters, the Unicode system - used by Java and many other modern programming language - uses larger characters. In Unicode, over a million characters can be defined; this makes it possible to encode not just Latin characters (the characters used in English) and the same Latin characters with lots of diacriticals (special symbols, for example, á, é, ñ, ü, etc.), but also characters in other languages, such as Russian, Chinese, or even Klingon.In the case of Java, the standard size of a character is 16 bits (or 2 bytes). In theory, this makes it possible to represent only about 65,000 different characters, but by using some 2-character pairs (4 bytes in total), the entire Unicode set can be represented.

Why was Unicode created?

256 different characters is not enough Unicode enables the reliable store most of the world's characters in a (2 byte) fixed width mode with 65,564 characters.

Why do need Unicode when you have Ascii?

ASCII only has 127 standard character codes and only supports the English alphabet. While you can use the extended ASCII character to provide a set of 256 characters and thus support other languages there's no guarantee that other systems will use the same code page, so the characters will not display correctly across all systems (the characters you see will depend upon which code page is currently in use). Moreover, some languages, particularly Chinese, have thousands of symbols that simply cannot be encoded in ASCII. UNICODE encoding supports all languages and the first 127 symbols are also the same as ASCII, so all characters appear the same across all systems. UTF8 is the most common UNICODE encoding in use today because it uses one-byte per character for the first 127 characters and is therefore fully compliant with non-extended ASCII. If the most-significant bit is set then the character is represented by 2 or more bytes, the combination of which maps to the UNICODE encoding.

Does Character literals are stored as unicode characters?

Character literals in Java are stored as UTF-16 Unicode characters. Each character takes up 16 bits of memory, allowing for representation of a wide range of characters in the Unicode character set.

How can one decipher unicode characters?

That depends on your situation. If you have a Unicode-encoded file that you wish to read, you can try to open it with a Unicode-enabled editor, such as SC Unipad ( == ==