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Memory is microchip; address are processor board slots

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Q: What is the Difference Between memory address and memory?
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What is memory address register?

Whenever anything is stored in the memory of your computer (RAM) it is stored at a specific place. Each specific place in your memory has its address that can be used to tell computer programs to go to those addresses to perform actions on the object stored at that address. It is similar to how you have your house number.

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Difference between contiguous and non contiguous memory?

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What is the difference between sam and ram?

In RAM ,the access time is the same for any memory location.Semi-conductor IC chips and magnetic disks are random access memory.In SAM a particular memory word is accessed from the memory by going through all address locations until the desired address is found.Magnetic tapes are sequential access memory.

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What Difference between logical versus physical address storage?

A physical address is concrete and never changes. It is set in memory. A logical address is made up of a base pointer and an offset.It keeps programs running parallel and not intertwining.

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Cache memory is smaller and quicker, primary memory larger and slower.