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Q: What is storage that is outside of main memory called?
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What type of memory is called the main memory?

By "main memory" I assume you mean Primary Storage. This would be your RAM (Randon Access Memory)

Difference between backing storage and main memory?

Ah, backing storage and main memory are like two happy little trees in the vast landscape of computing. Main memory, also known as RAM, is like a painter's palette where the computer can quickly access and work with data. On the other hand, backing storage, like a sturdy easel, holds data for the long term, even when the computer is turned off. Both are essential for creating a beautiful digital masterpiece.

What is the difference between internal memory and backing storage?

Backing storage is where information can be repeatedly stored and modified in a permanent way and main storage is main storage is understood to be the program addressable memory that houses the executable and data necessary to launch and run various systems and programs. More commonly referred to as primary storage or memory, main storage directly interfaces with the CPU, which reads the instructions connected with the executable and performs the tasks necessary to handle the data. All data necessary for the effective function of programs saved on the hard drive is maintained in the main storage.

Why does RAM called as a Main Memory?

Because it stores all of the f iles and datas needed in a computer

What is the similarity of storage devices and memory?

The main similarity of storage devices and memory is that both are used for storing documents, files and images. They all come in different storage capacity.

What are subdivision of computer main memory?

Input Storage Area Working Storage Area Output Storage Area Program Storage Area

Difference between internal storage and external storage of a computer system and give examples of each?

Internal storage of a computer means the memory type that resides inside the computer primarily the internal hard disk drives (or more modern solid state drives). External storage devices include the USB memories, External or network storage drives on which data is stored outside the main computer body.

Distinguish between primary memory and auxiliary memory?

the main memory is the central storage unit of the computer system. it is relatively large and fast memory used 2 store the programs and data during the computer operation.main memory communicates directly with the CPU. main memory includes RAM and ROMs. devices that provide backup storage are known as auxillary memory. auxillary memory are relatively slow in comparision to the main memory. auxillary memory includes flash memory,magntic disks and floppys. main memory is located inside the CPU but auxillary memory is located out the CPU. the main memory is the central storage unit of the computer system. it is relatively large and fast memory used 2 store the programs and data during the computer operation.main memory communicates directly with the CPU. main memory includes RAM and ROMs. devices that provide backup storage are known as auxillary memory. auxillary memory are relatively slow in comparision to the main memory. auxillary memory includes flash memory,magntic disks and floppys. main memory is located inside the CPU but auxillary memory is located out the CPU.

Why operating system requires second storage support for its operation?

its a type of memory management technique in which the full utilization of main or physical memory is being done and the process which are idle can be placed in second storage or logical memory and in the time of use it can be placed in main memory from paging .

Why is secondary storage outside of the motherboard needed?

Additional space is one of the main benefits of secondary storage. Reliability is another significant benefit as it keeps data safe.

Difference between main memory and backing storage?

Main memory (RAM) is fast, volatile, and used for temporary storage during program execution, while backing storage (like hard drives or SSDs) is slower, non-volatile, and used for long-term storage of data.

Is the secondary storage faster than main memory?

No. The secondary storage is typically slowerthan primary storage. But the secondary storage has higher capacity than primary storage.