file organization
What is the purpose of dbms?DBMS is a software that organises the creation, storage and maintenance of Databases for end users.
DBMS, Server, Storage media, Indexing, Encryption etc.. c
DBMS stands for DataBase Management System. So it's role is basically to manage the database. More specifically this software controls the storage, organization, retrieval, integrity and security of the data in the database.
Heap file organization Sequential File Organization Hashing File organization
There are several advantages to storing the system catatlogs as relations. Relational system catalogs take advantage of all of the implementation and management benefits of relational tables: Effective information storage and rich querying capabilities. The choice of what system catalogs to maintain is left to the DBMS implementor.
Line and staff relations in an organization refers to the operations. The line relations are the direct production of the primary product or service. Staff relations are support employees.
What is considered the best storage organization will vary between people, as they have different ideas of what makes a great storage organization system. It is suggested to pick out features you like in a storage organization system, and research models that meet your specifications.
Yes. Database Management Systems (DBMS) have replaced the traditional file based data storage systems. This is because they are:More powerfulEasier to manangeCan store large volumnes of dataManipulation & fetching of data from a DBMS is many times easier than doing so from a file based data storage systemFaster
For small-scale projects with minimal data storage requirements, using a DBMS may introduce unnecessary complexity and overhead. In scenarios with strict real-time constraints or extreme performance requirements, the additional processing time involved in interacting with a DBMS may not be acceptable. When the data is highly unstructured or varies significantly in format, a DBMS may not be the most efficient or effective storage solution.
User see the data as Relations [ Tables ] in RDBMS. Where as the user need to know the datastructures and the methods to access them in DBMS. Both store the data required but how the user perceive the data matters.
Human relations is intra-organization. This means management dealing with the people that work for a company. Public relations is inter- organization or dealing with the customers, competitors, government etc. outside of the organization.