a SATA hard drive can be connected to and controlled by a SAS hard drive controller
An SAS HDD is a type of hard disk drive that is used in computers. They are generally considered better than SATA hard disk drives and allow for faster processing speeds and data transfer.
There are three SAS forces on the planet (Note SAS is different from Special Forces). The British, Australian and New Zealand SAS's. The British SAS is thought to be widely the best special forces in the world, although the Australian SAS has beaten the British on numerous training exercises. And the NZ's is not that incredible, just a small country's ordinary special forces unit.
There are many different features that are special about the Pata Hard Drive. These special features include, but are not limited to, they are older, and their max capacity is 250 GB.
SAS postulate or SSS postulate.
Hewlett-Packard Development Company or HP makes several models of hard drives. The type of hard drive depends on the usage. HP makes SAS Hard Drives which is a middle of the road drive. HP also produces the SATA Hard Drive which is an entry level drive and the HP Solid State Drive which is meant for unrestricted workload applications.
When installing a new hard drive, it is important to remember that the hard drive is essentially blank. Special software is typically not needed to instal the drive, but if you want any of the programs from your original hard drive to carry over to the new one you will need to sync them together.
The advantage of using an SAS disk drive is that it SAS disk drives contain more space. They also improve the easy of maneuvering things around within files.
Special Air Services.
Special Air Service.
You normaly only need a srew driver