Hard Drive configuration is used to define the Slave and master Hard Drive. When we are attaching more than one hard drive the configuration is used. Configuration is done by jumper setting which is available in back side of hard drive...1st two pins for master hard drive and last pins are slave..
The hard drive controllers are SATA, IDE, and EIDE. The hard drive configuration tells the computer what drive controller to use and how to store the information and where to store the information.
The second drive.....
the hard drive should be set to master...
an hard drive main purpose is to get files transfared from different areas of the computer
dont knowufeufgueeufheikw,nfiuef
Arrangement of Jumper pins on Hard Drive
Portable Software is used.
Portable Software is used.
A hard drive caddy serves the purpose of protecting the hard drive in laptop computers. Each laptop model requires a different type of hard drive caddy, and it is important to get the right one so that it fits securely.
Either do you install an operating system or create a partition. I don't know what do you mean with configuration of a hard drive. Is it a new one?
Primary master and secondary master