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This is defintinely not proper etiquette for 3 reasons:

  1. It's considered as if you are yelling
  2. Even though you mean no harm, no one likes to be yelled at
  3. Proper etiquette is only writing the first letter in caps for only the beginng of a word in sentence, or a proper noun.

It is also OK to capitalize for emphasis , and for the visually impaired.

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Q: What is proper etiquette do you write in all Caps?
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Related questions

When did typing in all caps become poor business etiquette?

It has always been considered poor etiquette.

What is email etiquette?

Common unspoken rules. For example: ALL CAPS IS CONSIDERED YELLING>

Why should you avoide all caps in your email?

Using all caps on the internet should be avoided, including in your e-mails. The reason you should avoid using all capital letters is because of Internet etiquette rules. Using all caps is interpreted as shouting.

Why should you avoid using all caps in your E-mails?

Using all caps on the Internet should be avoided, including in your e-mails. The reason you should avoid using all capital letters is because of Internet etiquette rules. Using all caps is interpreted as shouting.

Do people like it better when you type or write in all caps?

Some people may like it when others write or type in all caps. Other people may be ignored because they are typing or writing in all caps. It is up to the human eye to determine whether they prefer caps or lower case.

Is the proper abbreviation for compact disk in caps CD or lower case CD?

CD in all caps is the correct abbreviation.

What font is all caps?

"All caps" means that the entire phrase is in capital letters instead of only the first word in a sentence or proper nouns. It is not a font.

What is online etiquette?

Tone is the hardest thing to set, so not typing in all caps is the first thing that comes to mind. It means you are yelling. Not using proper punctuation and grammar. It is informal but when writing a professional email or using for business purposes, it is very important to use capitals, periods, and sentences...

What does it mean when you write a post all in capital letters?

On the Internet, ALL CAPS is considered SHOUTING! Very few posts need to use all caps. Limit the use of capitalization for when something is really important.

What you would like to know is why you can not make all the letter in this sentence capitalized?

You can't ask a question in all caps because the site programming prevents it. Besides, typing in all caps is the cyber equivalent of shouting...and if you shout, no one will hear your question. Capitalize proper names, places, things and the first word in the sentence. This is proper English.

What does it mean if you write an email in all caps?

It can mean they're screaming at you, they have no clue that cap lock and bold are on, or they don't know the netiquette that says it's impolite to use all caps. Or the keyboard could be broken.

Etiquette refers to the rules that?

Give guidance in all interpersonal interactions , that is the purpose of etiquette.