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Q: What is necessary for a society to run smoothly?
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Why do you think life in this society in the giver seemed to run so smoothly?

Life in "The Giver" seems to run smoothly because the society has strict rules and controls in place that eliminate individuality and suppress strong emotions. By removing choices and feelings, the society minimizes conflict and enforces compliance. However, this also leads to a lack of true freedom and emotional depth.

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The Senate was in partnership with the Emperor and made necessary decisions for the empire to run smoothly and defend its borders.

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Use smoothly adverb to construct the sentence?

She glided smoothly across the dance floor, her movements graceful and fluid.

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They help run the city smoothly.

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To help run smoothly

How is the word smoothly used in a sentence?

He drove smoothly along the winding road, avoiding any sudden movements or jerks.

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U cants

What games run smoothly with a 8500gt?

all games that run on a source engine work great on 8500gt

Will deep purple oil make my car run faster?

No it may make it run more smoothly.

How is it that wheels of a skateboard run so smoothly?

Cause they are made of urethane

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you have to die