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MSN is short for Micro Soft Network.

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What time is short stack on msn?

I think that the members of short stack don't use msn, and rather twitter and myspace. You can add them on myspace, facebook and follow them on twitter. Sometimes on twitter they respond to messages you send them (:

What does MSN IP mean?

MSN is different than e-mail, which is why it is "instant." When an MSN account signs on, it is linked to the MSN server, and with regular emailing, you send from your computer to another. However, with MSN, you send via the MSN server. You are given an 'MSN IP" so you can be selected. Each individual MSN account has its own IP. When you add a contact, their MSN IP is sent to your computer, and when you send a message it goes through the MSN server, and the MSN IP of the recipient is selected and your message delivered. With normal emailing, your message travels through cyberspace for a short time "looking" for the correct email, while MSN goes through the server and the population of places to search is narrowed down extremely and allows for faster travel.

What is Alyson Michalka's MSN?

she has got msn and i have her msn my msn is

What is my msn?

Your msn is your msn email ( or your own one ) That you use to sign into Windows live messenger (msn).

How do you say Tienes MSN in English?

As a declarative: You have MSN. As an interrogative: Do you have MSN?

Does Richard Wisker have msn or Bebo?

he has msn but not bebo His msn is

What do you say if someone says you have a msn?

well if you have msn and you like them say yes if you don't have msn say i don't have msn if you have msn but don't like them say yes but i forgot it

How do say msn in Japanese?


Is MSN webmessenger and MSN the same thing?

Web messenger is online. You dont have to have MSN to use it. MSN is a program that does the same thing.

What is nick joans's msn?

what is your msn pls i not much of a crazy fan so my msn is superstar_spiteri@hotmail.comwhat is your msn pls i not much of a crazy fan so my msn is

In msn what is smarter child's msn?

his email is whats ur msn

How do you load msn on to your computer?

Depends what you want ethier msn live or msn. Msn should already be on your computer if not that's easy type it in on Google "Windows Msn download" and pick your choice. The same for Msn live but Type in "Windows Msn Live download". Hope i was useful!! (:0)