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You can write any thing in right click of your my computer..

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Q: What is mouse right click menu name?
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left mouse click on the tab that you want to rename (this is called setting the focus). Then Right mouse click on it and a small menu appears - left mouse click on the RENAME option and the tab will trun from white background and black text to black background and white text. Type in the name you wish the worksheet to be called then left mouse click on the work sheet anywhere to keep that name in the tab

How do you give a hyperlink a name?

Right click with the mouse on the link you want to adjust and then click Edit Hyperlink on the shortcut menu that comes up. If you have the cell selected you can also go to into the Insert Menu and pick Hyperlink. One other way is to press and hold the Ctrl key and press K.

How do you I open windows explorer?

Click on Start then navigate mouse (cursor) to My Computer, it will expand list with hard drives, click on name of hard drive you want to search and you are in Explorer at that hard drive, other way is to right click on My Computer and choose Explore. To control how menu is displayed when you press Start do the following: right click on task-bar (empty space on right side of Start where are listed opened windows) and choose Properties, then click on Start Menu tab. There you can choose from Classic and Start Menu and customize both options by clicking on Customize button on right side. In Customize Start Menu click on Advanced tab and choose from listed options how menus will be displayed next time you click on Start.

What is the name of the list of frequently used commands that appears when you right-click an object?

Context menu

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Move the mouse cursor, or pointer, onto the colored words that are the "link", then left click your mouse and wait. If you want to save the new sight, move the mouse cursor up to the word "Favorites" in the tool bar, left click on the word "Favorites" and a new menu will appear. Left click the "Add" button. Next time, just go right to "Favorites" and find the "link", or name of the sight you saved.

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On the Home menu bar on the right side click format, on the drop down menu click AUTOFIT column width.

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On the Home menu bar on the right side click format, on the drop down menu click AUTOFIT column width.

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In the training menu when you have your mouse over a player and it highlights them, next to their name there is a little pencil icon. Just click on it and it will let you change the name of them.

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Click on the x on top right hand corner of Google chrome

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You can temporarily block someone. Right click on their username and click "Block user" from the menu. Then if you want to unblock/unmute, right click on their name in the History section and select "unblock"

How do you unblock friend on trillian?

If you know the persons IM name then you add them to your friends list. Sometimes you have to close trillian and reopen it for the Unblock feature to appear when you right click on their name. It will be under privacy in the right click menu.

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Group the songs you want to burn into a playlist. Right click on the playlist's name and select Burn To Disc from the menu that appears or select the Playlist and then select Burn Playlist to Disc from the iTunes File menu.