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= Computer Handshake = Term used to describe the process of one computer establishing a connection with another computer or device. The handshake is often the steps of verifying the connection, the speed, and/or the authorization of the computer trying to connect to it. An example of handshaking is when a modem connects to another modem; the tones heard after the dialing is the handshake and can be thought of as the computers greeting each other.

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What I think you are referring to is handshaking when it comes to computer networking. If you are talking in fact about computer networking and telecommunications then hand shaking would be the process of establishing a communication session between two computers or two devices. For example in the internet protocol when one router will communicate with another the communication session first has to be established. Different protocols and devices will have different methods of hand shaking but generally it's just a way to set up a communication between two networking devices so that data can be sent. An example of a hand shake would be router one sending a signal to router two, then router two sends a signal confirming that it received the message, then router one sends a signal stating that it knows router two received the signal and then possibly then transmits some information. This however is just a general example. If you would like more information and some good real world examples of handshaking when it comes to computer networking I would research some information on the TCP/IP protocols and the handshakes involved.

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