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The AMD and the Intel worlds are soo close together, but yet soo far apart. I believe the question you ask is what does it compare to as far as Intel is concerned. If you are wondering what Intel CPU it is to be compared to it is the Intel P4 3.06 GHz CPU. I guess the next "Q" is how does it compare. Well the two chip manufactures use two totaly different way to spec. their CPU's. I have personaly wondered which of the two were the best and set out on the quest to find the better CPU for the money, what I found was they were both great CPU's. The benchmarks on the both were over the top but when paired with great PCI Express video, Raid drives and ASUS boards I would recomend the both of them.

There are better people to ask about the dif. in the two, but seeing as how you ask about the 3000+ I would have to asume you go not get into heavy graphics nor do you edit graphics. Just remember with any CPU keep it cool, keep it stable, and it is guarenteed to suceed until it is outdated. At this point in time when I posted this x64 bit is the way to go but remember again the hardware is here laready not the software. Wait on the new "VISTA" to become public then upgrade to the new OS that is being written for the x64."Personal Opinion"

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Q: What is mean by 3000 in AMD Athlon 3000?
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