There isn't a minimal number. You can have as many or as little as you want. But if your teacher says you "have to have a minimal number of 3" that means you have to have at least 3 slides.
The Notes Pane.
You can shuffle the power point slides easily. They can be dragged and dropped at any position.
Five slides, as there is no option to do so.
PowerPoint has terminology for a number of things. Slides are the pages, slide show is the final output etc.
insert-new slide
The name of the software that consists of slides is Powerpoint.
A Power Point presentation is a series of animated slides that present information, or persuade the viewer, on a topic. Using Microsoft Power Point, people can customize the slides in whatever way they wish. This way, their presentation has a more personal feel.
To give presentations using slides
You can use Power Point by opening it and using the slides. The slides provide a convenient way to represent things.