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Q: What is masters of gateway of tally?
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What are the options available in gateway of tally - masters?

Account info and Inventory Info AKSCLUSIVE

How do you change period in tally 7.2?

Use Alt+F2 keys from main page of tally. (gateway of tally)

How do you use groups in tally?

go to inventory info. in gateway of tally then enter on stock group

How do you open next financial year in tally 7.2?

gateway of tally menu -> press Alt +F2

How do you get started in tally after creating account?

after creating account gateway of tally Accounting Vouchers pass the entry.

Where i can prepare Purchase Order in tally 7.2?

Gateway of Tally Inventry Voucher Alt+F4 Purchase Order

How account are create in tally?

gateway of tally -> accounts info-> ledgers -> create ( This answer give Subru isit kottakkal)

How do you use debit note in tally 9.0?

go to gateway of tally then voucher and click on debit note of the screen your right side

How do you change current date on the screen of gateway of tally 7.2?

press F3

Can you copy a voucher in tally from one month to current month?

Copy voucher in Tally Gateway of Tally Display Daybook Select the Voucher Alt + 2 Now Press ctrl + A

How do you enter capital received in tally are voucher?

Gateway of Tally>Accounting Voucher Press F7 for journal Voucher Cash A/c................Dr. To Capital A/c

How can you make ledger in tally 9 in pdf format?

To make a ledger in Tally 9 in pdf format, simply choose single or multiple ledger in the gateway of tally box. Print the ledger with a virtual printer and it will save in pdf format.