Click the folder and press delete.
Yes - I have a folder at home that has both in
change directory. cd /home/user/ wil take you to the home folder of that user. With cd .. you go down a folder, so if you're in /home/user and type "cd .." you wil then be in the /home/ directory.
Open your Home folder (Apple + Shift + H). Open your Music folder. Copy the iTunes folder wherever you want it (hold down Option as you drag it).
/Programs Files (x86) Folder
The source folder. The folder they are being copied to is the destination folder.
In the program files folder in your hard drive.. 32bit programs will go into a folder called Program Files(x86)
/home/[your username]/.Skype
yes, your old windows folder will be renamed to windows.old your program files, documents and settings folder will also be move to that folder as well.
You can share a folder on either of your computers and use that folder to transfer data either wirelessly or through LAN cable.
The little icon that looks like a house is the 'Home' icon. On a Mac, 'Home' is the folder for the current user. Each user will have a different 'Home' folder. User home folders are inside the USERS folder on the start up disk. Safari can store a 'Home Page' which is the page that will appear when Safari is opened. It can be set to any URL the user wants in Safari Preferences. Clicking the home icon will open the specified URL. To put the home icon on the Safari menu bar, click 'View' => Customize Toolbar, and drag the little house to where you want it.