The halfway point between London in England (United Kingdom) and Annapolis in Maryland (US) is Bonavista. Bonavista is in Canada.
Big Springs, NE
North pole, ak
Pretty much Boston, Massachusetts USA.
The halfway point between Troy, MI and London KY falls in or around Vandalia, Ohio.
The halfway point between London in England (United Kingdom) and Aylesbury in England (UK) is Watford. Watford is in England (UK).
The location that is halfway between Birmingham, Alabama and London, United Kingdom is Saint Anthony, Canada. There is 4,326 miles between the two locations.
There is 610 miles between Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Toronto, Canada. The halfway point between these two cities is Lansing, Michigan.
Silver Springs, OH is the halfway point.
The halfway point between Melbourne and London is Akyab, Myanmar.