A good halfway point looks to be just before Jamestown, ND. That's about 16 hours in a total 31 hour trip between Edmonton and St. Louis.
The driving distance from Edson, AB, Canada to Edmonton, AB, Canada is 201km
The driving distance from Edmonton, AB, Canada to Lethbridge, AB, Canada is 505km
It is 156 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 210 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 193 kilometers according to Google Maps.
As of the 2011 census the population of Edmonton, AB was 812,201.
It is 364 kilometers according to Google Maps.
1200 miles
1063 km
The driving distance from Edmonton, AB, Canada to Picture Butte, AB T0K, Canada is about 496km
It is 248 kilometers or 154 miles according to Google Maps.