The logical operators in Excel are as follows. < is less than, > is greater than, = is equals. <= is less than or equals and >= is greater than or equals. Not equal to is written as <>.
The less than symbol is and you can add the symbol in the input line when typing a formula.
< > = Greater than , less than and equal too
You can use the Not function or the <> operator, which is the < and the > beside each other. To see if the values in A1 and A2 are not equal to each other, you can type: =A1<>A2 or =Not(A1=A2) In each case they will either give you TRUE if they are not equal or FALSE if they are equal, in the cell that you enter the formula into.
Is < Less than or Greater than or > Greater than or Less than
0.3 is greater than 0.08
Less than < Greater than >
Greater than: > Less than: <
greater than is > less than is <
less than
greater than > less than < pointy end towards the smaller value
In mathematics, 8.25 is equal to 8.250 as both numbers represent the same value. The additional zeros after the decimal point do not change the numerical value of the number. Therefore, 8.25 is neither greater than nor less than 8.250; they are equal.