Book1.xls is the default name for a new document in Excel.
In default, the large white spot in the middle of Flash. The stage is the part of your animation or game that can be seen by your viewers. Anything off the stage will not fit into the window. You can change the stage's size and colour in the document property settings.
1" is the default margin size.
Left alignment is the default in a normal document.
BlackBerry Curves, in their default state, do not have flash. Sorry :/
the default document settings are stored in what template file?
The purpose of a document body is to organize and format information on a document correctly. A document body is a default to a blank word document on Microsoft Word.
The default file name is usually the first paragraph/line to suggest one. For example if your name was in the top of the document that would be your document file.
Answer by Semen: Yes, footnotes are single spaced by default regardless of the line spacing of the document text.