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it is the theoretical foundation of a database which fundamentally

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Q: What is database model?
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What is the most popular database model?

Relational Database Model

What is a good way to represent a database?

Relational model of database is a good way to represent the database. Also network data model and hierarchical model can be used depending on the requirements.

What is the difference between data model and database model?

A database is a collection of tables that is used for some purpose (typically an application of some sort). A database model is a description of that database, and describes how the tables relate to each other. Typically, a model is designed first, then the actual database is implemented using the model as a blueprint.

Architecture of Network database model?

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Why firm shift from conventional database to object oriented database?

simplified standard model of database

Limitations and benefits of rational database model?

One of the advantages of a relational database model is that the broken keys and records and the data complexity are usually simplified. The disadvantage of the relational database model is that it requires sophisticated processing power which is very costly.

What does a Hierarchical database do?

A hierarchical model is a database model which represents the database in a tree diagram. It thus helps the user to work with(i.e., use, modify, extract etc.) the database without even bothering about the complicated algorithms or flow chart used by the system to deal with the database.

List the advantage and disadvantage of database management system?

Answering "List the advantage and disadvantage of object oriented database model?" Answering "List the advantage and disadvantage of object oriented database model?"

Which model represents the end user's view of the database?

the ---- of a database presents the views that the end user have

Compare the three level of ansi-sparc?

Conceptual database design is the process of constructing a model based on the enterprise. Logical database design is the process of constructing a specific data model. Physical database design is the process of producing of the database on the secondary storage.

Role of high-level data model in the database design process?

A high level data model serves the database designer by providing a conceptual framework in which to specify, in a systematic fashion, what the data requirements of the database users are, and how the database will be structured to fulfill these requirements.

Types of databases in sql server 2005?

Types of Database in sql server 2005:- 1.Master Database 2.Tempdb Database 3.Model Database 4.MSDB Database 5.Resource Database