Computer is a electronic device operated by human. It can't operate itself. First it was developed for counting. But as day passed it became more powerful and now it can be used for almost anything. It has the units
1.CPU (Central Processing Unit)
2.Input Sector
3.Output sector
When you give it a command the input unit takes it and sends' it to the CPU, where it is being processed, then the output unit displays the result for what you have asked for. The whole process works very fastly depending on your computer's configuration
i cant get pandora to work on my computer
Work at the computer isn't correct language. But, work on the computer isn't a complete sentence. She/he is working on the computer, is correct. But of those two, option 2 would be fine.
planning computer workstation work ?
No it wont work Computer games only work on pc
importance of computer professionals in developing computer software is this if there would be no computer professionals so computer will not work as it is a dumb machine. i hope you all know that computer don't do work by its own, it judges our instructions and work on it.
No, Wii Speak does not work on the computer. Windows will recognize it, but there is no driver for it to work.
no it can not work on computer im sry :(
When you loose your work on a computer it is called a crash.
For computers to work they need a number of things to be attached or installed. A reliable electricity supply is needed to enable the computer to work. A screen to show you what the computer is doing also helps. A keyboard and a mouse is used by humans to tell the computer what humans want the computer to work on, what the computer is to do, and were is the results to be sent when the work is completed.
They are more of a gaming computer then a work computer
There is no device that allows a computer to work in a different country you have to change the settings in the computer for it to work in a different country.
Sandisk have a range of products many of which will work on a Macintosh computer.