Information is passed to people by means of news reading and documentaries.These days there are also TVs with online chatting capabilities.
increased communication and increased capabilities.
Microprocessors have made communication even more efficient. This is because they are embedded in most modern communication equipment, extending their capabilities.
A digital communication system consists of six basic blocks. The functional blocks at the transmitter are responsible for processing the input message, encoding, modulating, and transmitting over the communication channel.
Provision of diverse, alternative communication methods to preserve the ability to communicate when standard capabilities suffer damage
Functional capabilities refer to the abilities and features that a system or software possesses in order to perform specific tasks or functions effectively. These capabilities are designed to support the core operations and requirements of the system to achieve its intended purpose. Examples include data processing, communication, and decision-making functionalities.
Some examples of organizational capabilities include effective communication, strategic decision-making, efficient use of resources, innovative problem-solving, and strong leadership. These capabilities enable an organization to adapt to changes, seize opportunities, and achieve its goals effectively.
NFC stands for Near Field Communication. Android does not stand for anything. It is simply telling you that your android device has NFC capabilities.
I am a computer program, so I don't have physical capabilities like jumping. I can only provide information and assistance through text-based communication.
base security, communication capabilities, human resource management, acquisition authority, infrastructure, construction and maintenance, and services to personnel and families
Mission Support Group
base security, communication capabilities, human resource management, acquisition authority, infrastructure, construction and maintenance, and services to personnel and families