Chkconfig is a utility tool that is used in Linux operating systems to start or stop a program from automatically running when the system starts. You can also use the command to view or set up new services on your operating system.
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Use man chkconfig in a terminal for the manual page: chkconfig is used to enable or disable system services.
chkconfig --del bigd
chkconfig --del bigd
On a computer the chkconfig command is used to setup, change and view services that start when you start the computer. Services started when you boot the computer are controlled in this way.
chkconfig --list
Perhaps you could try the following: chkconfig --level 2345 Lisa on and service Lisa restart
Firstly, your script to control the bigd daemon must be written with specific reference to chkconfig. If you look at other scripts in /etc/init.d you will see many that follow a similar format to this (this is from the script /etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd):- #!/bin/bash # # Init file for OpenSSH server daemon # # chkconfig: 2345 55 25 # description: OpenSSH server daemon The three "numbers" following "chkconfig:" determine how chkconfig will add the script to the startup and shutdown events. The first number is actually a list of run-levels that the script should be started in. In this case, the sshd daemon will be started in run-levels 2, 3, 4 and 5. Ergo, in run-levels 0, 1 and 6 the sshd daemon will be stopped or killed. The second and third numbers control the order in which the process is started (55) and killed (25). A look a the list of entries in the rc.d directory for sshd should help explain this:- /etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K25sshd /etc/rc.d/rc1.d/K25sshd /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S55sshd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S55sshd /etc/rc.d/rc4.d/S55sshd /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S55sshd /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K25sshd Each of the entries in the rcN.d (where N = 0 to 6) directories is a symbolic link back to the base script in /etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd. So when run-level 2 is initiated, /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S55sshd is run. There are many other links in the /etc/rc.d/rc2.d to other scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d, and the prefix added by chkconfig (i.e. S55 in the case of sshd) determines the sequence in which these scripts are performed. So sshd is started in run-level 2 after all the "earlier" entries have already been started (e.g. scripts starting with S10, S20, S30 etc.). For custom scripts, you would be advised to use a high number to start the script (e.g. 99) and a low number to stop/kill it. This will ensure all dependent processes are started when you start your script. To conclude, your bigd script should have something like this at the top of the file:- #!/bin/bash # # Init file for BIG server daemon # # chkconfig: 23 99 00 # description: Script to start bigd Then you can use "chkconfig --add bigd" to create all the symbolic links in the appropriate /etc/rcN.d directories. I hope that helps :)
system-config-network Set the ip address to ur system as internetconnection provide. set the gefault gateway is ip of ur router. service network restart chkconfig network on Good-luck -Vivek(9579216049)
First, make sure kerberos is installed: # rpm -qa | grep krb this should return at least 3 packages: krb5-devel, krb5-libs and krb5-workstation Next, make sure the ldap development libraries are installed: # rpm -qa | grep ldap-devel If either of these returns nothing, you'll need to install them - which you can do from the Redhat CD. make sure there's an entry for your active directory DC in your /etc/hosts file: addc Next, edit your /etc/krb5.conf to match your site. Everything should be fairly self-explanitory - and everything is case sensitive. Do not comment this file. Once you've gotten to this point, you can try: # /usr/kerberos/bin/kinit user@DOMAIN.COM replacing *user* with a real user and DOMAIN.COM with a real domain (which must be UPPERCASE). If things are working, you'll be prompted for a password. If you enter the correct password, you'll come back to a bash shell, if not, you should be presented with: "kinit(v5): Preauthentication failed while getting initial credentials" or some such. Note: If the clock time on the Linux machine is more than 5 minutes off from the time on the windows machine no ticket information will work. There are three wys to deal with this: 1. Have the Linux server act as a network time server, with the windows machine as a client 2. Have the windows machine act as a time server for the Linux client 3. Make both systems pull the time from the same 3rd server ( some are listed here - ) Next, uninstall samba if it's installed: # rpm -e samba get the latest version of samba: $ wget "" things to do { 01.$ tar -zxvf samba*.tar.gz 02. 03.$ CD samba-3.0.13 04. 05.$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/samba --with-ldap --with-ads --with-krb5 --with-pam --with-winbind 06. 07.# make && make install } In your smb.conf: netbios name = LINUX_SERVER_NAME realm = DOMAIN.COM ads server = security = ADS encrypt passwords = yes start samba: # /etc/RC.d/init.d/smb start To add the Linux computer to the AD, you need to log into the DC and add it as a user with such privledges, so (from the Linux system): # /usr/local/samba/bin/net ads join -U Administrator it should prompt you for Administrator's password. Note that Administrator should be a user with the right to add a computer to the AD. you should see something like: Joined 'LINUX_MACHINE_NAME' to realm 'DOMAIN.COM' To verify this worked, go to the windows DC and open Active Directory->Users and Computers and look for your Linux machine to be listed there. That's all you absolutely need to connect to the AD. If you want to map users to the AD (which is probably why you're doing this), open /etc/nsswitch.conf and change this: passwd: files shadow: files group: files to this: passwd: compat winbind shadow: compat group: compat winbind start the winbind daemon: # winbindd make sure it's running: # PS -ae | grep winbindd if nothing gets returned, you probably didn't configure samba with kerberos and ldap support. If it shows winbindd running, you're all set. To make sure everything starts on reboot: open /etc/RC.d/init.d/smb and /etc/RC.d/init.d/winbindd and make sure the line: # chkconfig: 345 NN NN exixts (NN will be different numbers pertaining to priority), it should be on line 3 of both files. if these lines don't exist, add them. If they read: # chkconfig: - NN NN change the - to 345 save and close those files and run chkconfig: # chkconfig smb reset # chkconfig winbindd reset you can check the runlevels they will start at with # chkconfig smb --list # chkconfig winbindd --list in your smb.conf [global] section: (for name resolution) Code: wins support = Yes name resolve order = wins lmhosts hosts bcast wins server = wins_server_ip_address 01. wins support = Yes 02. name resolve order = wins lmhosts hosts bcast 03. wins server = wins_server_ip_address
Yes. As a matter of fact, Fedora is very well suited for the server environment, as it comes from the RedHat Linux family of operating systems, which run almost exclusively as servers. Fedora has all of the tools to run as a full-fledged desktop computer (my main computer runs Fedora, for example), but it has a slew of server applications and settings already installed when you get it, and has easy access to many more. For example, Apache (web server) is already set up, and, for the most part, pre-configured (sans a few security settings that you should always change from the defaults) when you install it. All you have to do is turn it on (sudo service httpd start; sudo chkconfig httpd on). If you want to enable the PHP language on a Fedora Webserver, you need nearly run the command to stop your http server (sudo service httpd stop), install the PHP package (sudo yum install php-common php-cli), and restart your web server (sudo service httpd restart) - all without having to restart the computer! Fedora also provides a package manager that makes it easy to find other packages that can make your server more useful. There are various FTP servers for various different needs, several libraries that make it easier to set up game servers, a powerful builtin security system (selinux -- some love this, some hate it), and very fast integration with SSH and VNC (remote access utilities that make headless servers possible). There are many tutorials out there detailing hwo to get Fedora, install it, and set it up to get the basics going for a 'perfect' server - the most recent of these can be found here: