

Best Answer
  • This
  • is
  • bulleted
  • text.

It is text with bullets in front of it.

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Q: What is bulleted text?
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Why do most design layouts use bulleted lists in text boxes?

why do most design layouts use bulleted lists in text boxes

Why do most most design layouts bulleted lists in text boxes?

why do most design layouts use bulleted lists in text boxes

What is bulleted?

Thisisbulletedtext.It is text with bullets in front of it.

Individual lines of bulleted text on a slide are referred to as?

text allignment

Bulleted list is a example of what text features?


What is the recommended size for bulleted text?

The recommended size for bulleted text is typically between 18-24 points to ensure readability and clarity for readers. This size allows the text to stand out without being too large or too small.

Placement and arrangement of the text and graphic elements on a slide refer to?

bulleted text

A slide that consists of more than one level of bulleted text is called a what kind of slide?

multi-level bulleted list slide

In a PowerPoint presentation outline how do you select a bulleted item and all the subordinate text?

Click and drag, from the end of the subordinate text to start of the bulleted-item text, to highlight the entire section. Then you may use Control-C to copy the entire selection to the Clipboard. Control-X will both copy the selection to the Clipboard and delete it from where it was.

What type of list adds emphasis to elements in the list while using Powerpoint?

A bulleted list.A bulleted list.A bulleted list.A bulleted list.A bulleted list.A bulleted list.A bulleted list.A bulleted list.A bulleted list.A bulleted list.A bulleted list.

In what group on the Home tab would you find bulleted and numbered lists line spacing and text alignment options?

Paragraph group

Type of list not allowed in paper?
