Do you mean the keypad? I would call it a "10 key" or the "10 key" -pad.
Depending on what keyboard layout you have and what you mean by pound sign it is probably on the 3 key when used with either the shift key or Alt key. £ (UK pound ) or # (US pound)
the pound key on a telephone keyboard is called 'dièse' in French because it resembles the musical mark of the same name (in English: sharp sign). Pronounciation: 'dee-az'
To type the pound sign on a US keyboard hold down the ALT key and type 156 on the numeric keypad.
Hmm.. Tough one :D Maybe keybord symbols? Idk.
On a Mac keyboard, press and hold the option key, then type the number 3. Then release the option key. I don't know about on a Windows keyboard
well that's simple. if you use a phone or your teacher sometimes uses it for it means number. #=number key. that's easy #= number key. to make it short it means number. # is also called an Octothorpe and is often mistakenly called a hashtag. A hashtag is the tag line AFTER the NumberKey/PoundKey/Octothorpe.
The Alphunumeric keyboard
The way to make a pound sign with a computer keyboard is: Press the shift key, then press the number 3 key.
Why the window key in keyboard?
A pound key, also known as the number sign or hash symbol, is represented by the "#" symbol on a phone or keyboard. It is commonly used to input numeric digits in phone systems or to create a tag on social media platforms.
it's an "At" key or an "At sign" also known as "Commercial At"