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configure the bios settings to auto detect the master hard drive

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10y ago

The important step when installing a second PATA hard drive in a computer is that it must be compatible. Power must be switched off as well.

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Q: What is an important step when installing a second PATA hard drive in a computer?
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Can installing a second hard drive help your computer work faster?

Since hard drives seldom affect a computer's speed, no. It will only give you more space for storage.

What derermines the drive letter when installing a second hard drive?

operating system

Can installing a new hard drive in a computer cause a system failure?

Yes, if there is no operating system on the new drive, then your computer will not run.

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If you are installing a second hard drive into a computer will it still work if you can't change the jumper to slave?

That would depend on certain variables, such as whether you were putting it on the same cable as the other drive. In IDE, you must have a Master drive on each channel. The second drive must be set to Slave. You were not clear in which drive you could not change the jumper. Assuming the drive in the computer is alone on the cable, it is set to Master, so your new drive must be either set to Slave and be placed on the same cable, or set as Master and placed on another cable.

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What is the functions of a disk drive?

A hard disk drive is used to store data. That data includes the programs you use. When someone says they are installing something on their computer, they usually mean they are installing it to their hard drive, which is located inside their computer. In most situations, a hard drive is what loads the operating system so you can use your PC. If it fails, you will not be able to fully boot your PC.

What are the slave hard drive?

If you add an additional HD to your computer, the second drive becomes the slave drive because the computer must boot from the Master drive

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How do you reallocate unpartition drive?

To reallocate the space of an unpartitioned drive, one should create a partition(s) from it. This is best done when installing the computer's operating system.