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Q: What is an example of process technology?
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Example of food technology?

Food technology is a process in which food production process are used to make food. An example of food technology is the different scientific experiments used to prevent food spoilage.

Are cars an example of technology?

Yes, b/c technology is new knowledge and knowledge. Technology is a manner of accomplishing task using espically a technical process

True or false the process used to produce a CD player is a example of technology?

it is true

Example of process in kinds of technology?

dying, recycling, food processing & food preservation

What are the advantages of using information technology in a small business?

With the information technology a small company can process more information (financial for example) by the less amount of people

What does tecnology do?

Technology is a way of creating inventions for example like wheel barrow peole invented that we cant do nothing without technology

Is technology an example of technology?

Yes it is a technology

What is an example of technology manufacturing?

An example of a manufacturing technology is a tent.

Is industrial technology an example of technology?

Yes it is a technology

What are Two examples of the different types of technology?

Antibiotics are an example of pharmaceutical technology. Road bridges are an example of Civil Engineering Technology.

What is the process of developing new technology?

the engineering design process

3 classifications of technology?

the three classification of technology is: tools product process