There is one ounce in one fluid ounce. Fluid ounce is a measure of volume, whereas ounce is a measure of weight.
If you're trying to ask what the weight of a fluid ounce of something is, it depends on the density of the something in question. For water, 1 fluid ounce weighs pretty close to 1 ounce. A fluid ounce of mercury weighs nearly a pound.
It is a small part of a fluid ounce.
There are approximately 0.125 cups in a fluid ounce.
There are approximately 29.57 milliliters in a fluid ounce.
Expressed in ounces, one ounce = 1.000 Expressed in pounds, one ounce = 0.0625 Expressed in tons, one ounce = 0.0005 Expressed in fluid ounces, one fluid ounce = 1.000 Expressed in cups, one fluid ounce = 0.125 Expressed in pints, one fluid ounce = 0.0625 Expressed in quarts, one fluid ounce = 0.03125 Expressed in gallons, one fluid ounce = 0.0078125
No, a fluid ounce is more
1 fluid ounce is 8 fluid drams.
A dry ounce is a measure ofweight.A fluid ounce is a measure ofvolume.A dry ounce is often just called "an ounce," an is abbreviated "oz." A fluid ounce is usually explicitly called "a fluid ounce" and is abbreviated "fl. oz."The only way to convert from weight to volume is to know the density of the material in question. For example, A fluid ounce of lead will weigh many more dry ounces and than a fluid ounce of feathers! But a dry ounce of lead weighs exactly as much as a dry ounce of feathers, but the feathers will take up a lot more space.A dry ounce is equal to 28.3495231 gramsA fluid ounce is equal to 29.5735297 millilitersOther Useful conversions:16 dry ounces = 1 pound35.2739619 dry ounces = 1 kilogram1 fluid ounce = 2 US tablespoons8 fluid ounces = 1 US cup16 fluid ounces = 1 US pint32 fluid ounces = 1 US quart128 fluid ounces = 1 US gallon33.8140226 US fluid ounces = 1 literSee the Related Questions nearby for more information.
The answer to this cannot be determined without knowing what is being measured or weighed. For example, a fluid ounce of water will weigh much less than a fluid ounce of mercury.
A fluid ounce. A fluid ounce is approx. 28.4 UK ounces, and approx. 29.6 US ounces.
a) it depends on the type of fluid. b) it depends on the type of ounce: - U.S. food labeling fluid ounce - U.S. customary fluid ounce - Imperial fluid ounce (what the rest of the world uses!)