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An audiophile computer is a computer intended to produce the highest quality of sound from the device, including speakers and processing. The quality of the sound from the device is important so that it sounds clear and is true to the music.

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How do you use audiophile in a sentence?

She was an audiophile, and was always listening to music.

When was Audiophile Records created?

Audiophile Records was created in 1952.

When did Audiophile Records end?

Audiophile Records ended in 1966.

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What is the adjective for audiophile?

The most likely way to make the noun audiophile into an adjective would be to use it as it is, for example, our publication gives the latest audiophile news.

What are the best computer speakers for an audiophile?

The Aperion Intimus 4T Hybrid SD speakers are of exceptional quality if afforability is no problem.

Is there a media player that is good for a true audiophile?

Windows media player will be great for an audiophile.

Is a person who lives stereo equipment an audiophile?

If you are enthusiastic about high fidelity sound reproduction you are an Audiophile.

Which USB soundcard gives the absolute best performance for an audiophile?

M-Audio Audiophile USB Sound card gives the absolute best performance.

Is a person who loves stereo equipment an audiophile?

Yes, aan audiophile would be a person who loves audio equipment.

What is a synonym for Audiophile?

There is no precise single word synonym for audiophile although there are a number of ways to express the concept in two words; music lover, music connoisseur, music fanatic, sophisticated listener.

What is a good sound card for 0 latency midi instrument playing?

RME cards or M-Audio Audiophile. RME is more expensive and if you have the money go for these, but audiophile is low latency too and will do the job.