An alignment chart is another name for a nomogram, a mathematical diagram in which the relationship between three variables is represented by a straight line or curve for each variable.
the auto specialty alignment book has the conversion chart.
An alignment tech.An alignment tech.
Tires do not get out of alignment they may be out of balance but not alignment. Your suspension however can be out of alignment. The only way to know for sure is to have it checked.
However you like. It is your table. Default alignment for text is left. Default alignment for numbers in right. Some people like to center text or numbers in their table, depending on the situation. The word "figures" is not clear in this question; it could mean numbers or images. You can align images however they will best enhance your chart.
the alignment of a mineral structure
Flywheels that require alignment will generally have marks.Flywheels that require alignment will generally have marks.
Alignment has three syllables.
Normally, default alignment for text is left. Default alignment for numbers is right. The alignment depends on the template you use to build your table.
Take it to an alignment shop to have a thrust alignment done
When writing it is important to keep the margins in alignment. She took her car to the shop because it was out of alignment.
A tire alignment is not necessary when changing tire sizes. You can tell by the wear on your previous tires if you need an alignment. If you have uneven wear, get an alignment.
Alignment is an abstract noun and as such it does not possess position.