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Q: What is a web server that ends with kr?
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What is web server and list of all web servers with its details?

A web server is a server that is able to store web pages allowing users to view them from another computing device and there are many web server types released by many companies and those are as follows: - Apache Web Server - Apache Tomcat - Microsoft's Internet Information Services (IIS) Windows Server - Nginx web server - Zeus Web Server

Can you install proxy server or web caching server?

Can you install proxy server or web caching server?And why do we do it?

Is a web server and end system?

yes a web server is an end server

What is web server in windows98?

Personal Web Server (PWS)

What are the different types of web server?

Apache web server Apache tom cat Microsoft windows 2003 IIS Light tpd Jigsaw web server Xitami web server

If internet is a client server network?

For the internet; your web browser is the client and the web server is the server.

Tomacat is a web server?

Yes. Apache Tomcat is a Web Server

What is Share point web server or App server?

SharePoint is an application server, but it requires (and extends) Internet Information Server, Microsoft's web server software.

When was Boa - web server - created?

Boa - web server - was created in 1995.

When was Tornado - web server - created?

Tornado - web server - was created in 2009.

When was Roxen - web server - created?

Roxen - web server - was created in 1996.

Can a Server be both an FTP Server and a Web Server?

Yes, we can host multiple web sites on single web server and only one FTP server per IP address. They just use different ports.