Depending on the format of the disk - A disk-drive, CD-ROM drive or DVD drive.
This is an example of a tape drive. A tape drive is a storage device that stores, reads, and writes data on a magnetic tape. Read and write heads, allow the tape drive to copy data from a source onto magnetic tapes placed inside the drive.
It all depends on how your disk is formatted.
The smallest addressable unit of storage on a disk is called a sector.
Drives merely read; burners write as well. It is also important to note that most people will refer to the unit as a drive, no matter its function. Most drives also fall into both categories; for example a drive that reads and writes CDs but only reads DVDs.
· This holds the data and programs needed at that instant by the Control Unit. The CPU reads data and programs kept on the hard disk and stores them temporarily in the IAS's memory. This is because the hard disk is too slow to be able to run applications directly.
Fixed disk
The floppy drive is what actually does the reading. The information is then sent to the central processor unit (CPU) on the motherboard where it is translated. There is no specific part of a CPU dedicated to floppy drive input.
Hard Drive Disk (HDD)
It reads the oil pressure
Sector is the smallest unit on Hard disk identified & addressed by File System.