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Conditional Formatting.

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Q: What is a type of formatting that changes the appearance of cells in an Excel worksheet based on a condition or criteria is called?
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What allows a cell to change appearance based on a criteria?

conditioning formatting

What formatting is used to highlight cells that meet specific criteria?

Conditional Formatting

When formatting is applied to data based on established criteria it is said to be?

Conditional Formatting.Conditional Formatting.Conditional Formatting.Conditional Formatting.Conditional Formatting.Conditional Formatting.Conditional Formatting.Conditional Formatting.Conditional Formatting.Conditional Formatting.Conditional Formatting.

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diagnostic criteria for pre malignant condition..............

What allows you to enter custom criteria such as multiple options or ranges of numbers?

Conditional formatting I do believe. -N.P.

What is the worksheet location where Excel copies records that meet comparison criteria is called?

It is the "Copy to" area or the extract range.

Conditional formatting mean in spreed sheets?

Conditional formatting can be used when you want a certain format i.e bold, italic and in red if a number occurs in the cell you set up the condition on. I.e. in cell AA you set a condition that if the number in it is greater than 100% turn the font bold, red and italic. This will only then occur if the number put in there exceeds 100 Very useful function for bringing automated response to certain criteria

The condition requires that all of the selected criteria be true for the record to be displayed.?

This happens when you use an AND in the condition.

What condition requires that only one of the selected criteria be true for a record to be displayed in Excel?

It is when you are using an OR condition, which in Excel can be implemented through an OR function, or in an Advanced Filter by listing the criteria on different rows.

What function adds the cells specified by a given condition or criteria?

The SUMIF function in Excel adds cells based on a single condition or criteria. If you have multiple conditions, you can use the SUMIFS function instead.

What would you look for a car when you want to buy it?

The outward purchase costthe condition - appearance and safetythe cost to insure, tax and m.o,tthe cost and efficiency - fuelhow it meets your own personal criteria - family car? sports car?

What logical condition finds records matching both listed criteria in excel?
