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Q: What is a text symbol date or numbers not used in calculations?
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What are the date types in Microsoft Word?

Word is a word processor, so it is dealing with text and doesn't really have data types. Everything is treated as text. However, you can have numbers and dates that can have calculations done on them.

Can The Text data type describe numbers not used in calculations?


Are page numbers inserted in a document as a symbol?

They are inserted as text / numbers.

Is a spreadsheet a collection of numbers or not text?

Spreadsheets are mainly for manipulating numbers and doing calculations, but a spreadsheet will also have a lot of text in it too, usually to explain what the numbers refer to. So there will be mostly numbers on a spreadsheet, but lots of text too.

Are labels numbers formulas that can be used in calculations?

Yes they can be. There are text functions in Excel which can manipulate text, which is what labels are. Some of those functions can get numeric values, like the LEN function getting the length of a piece of text. That number could then be used in a calculation. So although it is not often done, there are times when labels can be used in calculations.

Why do you NOT key in dollar signs even though you want to show on the spreadsheet on Mircrosoft Excel?

A dollar is a text symbol, so if you type something like $4 it will be treated as a piece of text and not 4 dollars, which is what you want. That means you cannot use it in calculations, which is what you are also likely to want to do. You will notice that it is left aligned in the cell, which text always is, and not right aligned as numbers are. So what you do is type in the number 4 and then format it to currency and it will then show the dollar sign. It will still be a number and you will be able to use it in calculations.

What is alphanumeric or text database?

A field of this data type will accept both numbers and text. The alphanumeric keys are the part of the deyboard that looks like a typewriter. When to use - it you want to enter text, or a mixture of text and numbers. When NOT to use - if you want to store only munbers, or only dates. You can enter numbers or dates into text fields but they would get sorted as if they were words and could not easily be used for any calculations.

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What does this symbol mean at the end of a text?

What does a crown symbol mean at the end of a text

What happens when you enter numbers in Text data type field?

Nothing much. They are called alphanumerics. Street addresses are alphanumerics. They are numbers, but not numbers you would typically want to use in calculations. They are just symbols like the alphabet and many others.

What happens when you enter numbers in a text data type field?

Nothing much. They are called alphanumerics. Street addresses are alphanumerics. They are numbers, but not numbers you would typically want to use in calculations. They are just symbols like the alphabet and many others.

3 types of cell entries?

Text entry: Allows users to input text or numbers directly into a cell. Formula entry: Enables users to perform calculations or manipulate data by entering formulas using functions and cell references. Date entry: Allows users to input dates using a specific format, making it easier to work with date-related data in spreadsheets.