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Q: What is a tactical information system?
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Related questions

Is Tactical information system the same as Transactional information system?

No, it is different. Transactional information system records, analyse and process daily first line operations of an organization. A tactical information system gather, agglomerates and transform the records generated by transactional and lower level systems and provide its results to executive level for decision making activities. A transactional system would be a order e commerce suite, and the tactical system would be a reporting suite delivering info on how many sales have been made per region, etc... Some vendors offers a full range of systems such as Microsoft, oracle etc... whereas other such a business object reports focuses only on a specific line of business.

What form of information collection strengthens strategic and tactical?


Where can one find more information about the Remington 870 tactical rifle?

The best place to get information on the Remington 870 tactical rifle is on the Remington website. Another place to check is firearm forum where any questions or information can be shared through peers.

An example of an information to support tactical management is?

spreadsheet model of income projection

What form of information collection strenghthens strategic and tactical positions?


Why MIS is important?

Management Information Systems (MIS) not only include software systems, but the entire set of business processes and resources that are used to pull together information from functional or tactical systems. Data is then presented in a user-friendly and timely manner so that mid and upper-level managers can use it to take the right actions. The entire system is designed so that the company will meet its strategic and tactical goals.

Why do base weather stations use the New Tactical Forecast System?

The New Tactical Forecast System (NTFS) is used by base weather stations because it provides high-resolution and accurate weather forecasts tailored specifically for military operations. The system incorporates various data sources and advanced modeling techniques to ensure precise and timely weather information, crucial for planning and executing military activities effectively.

What weapon was a central part of the European linear tactical battle system?

For the most part, the European linear tactical battlefield system revolved around the capabilities of the single shot smooth bore weapon. All major European armies used this firearm.

Classification of information system in organisation?

Information systems in organizations can be classified based on their functionality, such as transaction processing systems, management information systems, decision support systems, and executive information systems. They can also be categorized based on the level of the organization they support, such as operational, tactical, and strategic systems. Additionally, information systems can be classified by the type of users they serve, such as employees, managers, customers, and suppliers.

What form of information collection strenghtens strategic and tactical positions by knowing what an adversary is doing or plans to do?


What form of information collection strengthens strategic and tactical positions by knowing what an adversary is doing or plans to do?


What is the fundamental role of information system in business?

What is fundamental information system What is fundamental information system What is fundamental information system What is fundamental information system