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Q: What is a table means to arrange all of the data in a specific order?
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Related questions

What are the order of elements on the periodic table based on?

the elements in the modern periodic table are arrange in the increasing order of their atomic numbers.

What does it mean to sort a table?

To sort a table means arranging the rows of the table in a specific order based on certain criteria, such as alphabetical order, numerical order, or dates. This makes it easier to find and analyze data within the table.

When elements are arrange in order of increasing atomic no is called?

The Periodic Table of Elements.

In what order did Mendeleev arrange the elements in the first periodic table?

Mendeleev arranged the elements in the periodic table according to their atomic masses.

In what way did Mendeleev arrange the elements?

mendelev arranged the elements in the periodic table in the asending order of the mass number of elements.

Why does the modern periodic table not arrange argon in order of increasing atomic mass?

The inversion is due to the isotopic composition of these elements.

How did Mendeleev arrange the known element in his periodic table?

He arranged the elements in the increasing order of their atomic masses and repeating periodic properties.

How do you arrange the spellings of astenbenlti?

Table tennis

Why is the periodic table arrange the way it is?

The periodic table is arranged by the Atomic Number

How did mendeleev arrange the families on the periodic table?

he didnt

The first person to arrange elements in a table?

Dmitri Mendeleev

What characteristics were used to arrange the periodic table?

The mass of the elements