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I have the same chip and also use speedfan. I get the same results as that so it should be ok. Is it a laptop or desktop?

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Q: What is a stable operating temperature for a Intel Celeron M 520 Processor. I use speedfan and it says at normal Operating temp it runs at 60 degrees. Under Load up to 75. BIOS is updated to latest.?
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How can you check the temperature of your processor?

Most newer motherboards will display sensor information in their BIOS. SpeedFan, a Windows program, can also read the sensors on your motherboard and processor.

Where can one download SpeedFan?

SpeedFan is a free program that monitors and shows fan speeds, voltages and computer temperatures. It can be downloaded through the creator's website or CNET.

How does one check the performance of their computer cpu?

Get something like Speedfan (can be found in MPC CD's) or MotherBoard Monitor (MBM for short), although, MBM requires a bit more manual setup, I recommend Speedfan for ease of use, and quick autodetect feature for thermal sensors.

How can one monitor a CPU?

With a software program like speedfan, or others

Where could one purchase a remote temperature monitor?

There are many types of temperature monitoring systems available. If you are referring to one which would be used to monitor CPU temperature, to make sure there is no damage being done to a computer under load, then there are free programs such as SpeedFan, or Speccy which can monitor these. SpeedFan is the better choice out of these, as you can set up alerts for certain temperatures.

How do you check the CPU and motherboard temperatures while system is running?

You can check the motherboard and CPU temperature from within Windows using one of several tools. Some motherboard manufacturers will provide a utility for you to do this. You can also use SpeedFan, which supports the sensors on most motherboards.

How does too much heatcold affect the computer?

Answer: Office PC temp rangeOf course heat will effect your computer just as it will any electronic device. Operating a computer in an environment that is greater than 80 degrees begins to place it at risk. My experience is that there can be as much as a 20 degree difference between the heat in your computer and the heat in the surrounding room. You do not want to operate the equipment above 100 degrees Fahrenheit for any length of time unless the equipment is specifically designed to withstand higher temperatures. You may experience strange computing phenomenon or reach a failure point when actual operating tempertatures exceed 110 to 120 degrees. This obviously depends greatly on ventilation in and around the computer box. Do not cover or obstruct the intakes to the ventilation fan. If operating in high temperature areas that cannot be cooled, buy equpiment specified for operating at higher temperature ranges.Added - I live in Australia and my computer is made to deal with most heat, but even in summer i have to take off the side panel and have two large room fans on to keep the core at around 40C in idle, and 50-60C while playing games. If i don't my core EASILY reaches 90C and im left with a computer acting like its huffing on windows millennium haha. In short yea heat can have a HUGE affect on a computer. I recomend using programs like "SpeedFan" to monitor your computers temperiture and control the speed of your fans and cooling systems.

What is the best program for overclocking?

The "best" program will likely depend on the PLL of your motherboard. Different overclocking tools support different PLLs. The main programs you will want to look at are: * ClockGen * SetFSB * CPUFSB * SpeedFan

Why does your computer shut down when playing Zynga poker?

Overheating issue. Open your cabinet and clean the heatsink with a blower or a small brush to clear the dust. If it still happens, install a larger heatsink and/or a CPU cooler fan. Use SpeedFan to monitor your CPU temp.

What does SMART failure mean?

There are several things SMART can detect, but from my understanding it's pretty reliable. I'd back up your critical data and wait it out, unless your data is so critical that you can't afford to lose any of it, or afford the downtime. Here is my experience. I have the same problem with you: Warning message, press F1 and everything seems to be fine. What I did to solve it is to add a fan ($9 at Compusa) to the hard drive. After about 3 days of installing the fan, the warning message just gone forever. Also, the hard disk temp is way cooler than it used to be. Your hard drive is about to die. Buy a new one and ghost the data from the old drive to the new one. It means your harddrive is failing. Exactly how can vary but basically it's telling you time to buy a new one and transfer the data. Although in some cases the error can be fixed by adding cooling or defragging and/or formatting. It just depends but be safe, get a new one. S.M.A.R.T is an acronoym for Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology systems (SMART) and it's usually built in to most modern ATA and SCSI hard disks. I recently opened my case to find out my hard drive was very hot to touch and immediatly was concerned about the operating temprature. So I went and downloaded Speedfan.== Since 1997, hard drive manufacturers use SMART technology, which stands for Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology. It's supposed to warn you of impending failure so you can back up your data. Unfortunately they should name it STUPID (Supposed To Utilize Program Integrity, Doesn't), because it rarely ever warns anyone before it dies. I have personally witnessed over 50 hard drives die quick deaths without any SMART notification to the user. My best advice is to run disk tools like Scandisk to detect drive problems and listen for any new unusual sounds emanating from inside the case (especially a thumping or clunking sound). If you hear this, then immediately make full backups before the drive dies, because it is certainly on its last legs. Google conducted a research study of 100,000 hard drives in their organization and published failure results in a paper published April 2007. Among their conclusions: ..."we conclude that models based on SMART parameters alone are unlikely to be useful for predicting individual drive failures."If you are fortunate anough to own one of the 30% or less of dying SMART drives that actually warns you of impending doom, then immediately copy personal data to a second drive (solid state flash driver preferably). Make a disk image of the entire drive if time permits so you can be back and running quickly with a new drive. I prefer Acronis True Image for home consumers as a fast and effective drive imaging we know SMART services is best for hard drive failure indication. We can activate it by use of BIOS setting. If any case it doesn't work use stellar smart software drive monitoring system that gives the current values of various hard disk parameters such as Temperature, Head Flying Height, Spin-Up Time etc. If you have this software then it's a lot easier to back-up than to get your data recovered. Once you detect any of the signs of failure you need to ensure that you have a back-up and if not, make one. If in worst case you lost your data or hard drive crashes then use data recovery service for recover your data.SMART is to measure your HDD health. If it goes down, it's a good idea to backup important stuff and prepare to replace the HDD.

Why does my computer always shut down on my Sims 2 games?

Download speedfan, turn everything to 100% and check if you can play. It's probably a problem with your fans and your computer decides to shutdown because it gets overheated. If this doesn't work, try to open your computer and clean it with canned air... I've also gotten these solutions from a forum. I haven't tried 'em yet(I have the same problem as you), but I'll post them anyway: "There is a few possibilties 1. Cpu under load starts causing errors 2. Memory chips are duff 3. Power supply has a bad rail causing intermittent shutdowns 4. Motherboard has an intermittent fault causing a restart 5. One i found myself CD-ROM is broken causing the computer to lock up on startup as it can,t read the CD-ROM Solutions cheapskate version 1. Swap CPU or try it out on a friends comp the latter being the cheapest way. 2 Take out mem chips one by one until the problem disappears or run memtest dos version if you only have one chip 3 Find a friend with the same type power supply. There is 3 common kinds AT one blade Atx 2 blades Btx not out yet in any meaniful way. A xp or p4 will need at least 300w a p3 or athlon will make do with 230w this will work in a xp or p4 would not advise it though. And plug it into your system see if the problem disapates. If you move the cases about you can check your system without removing the supply in the other case. The leads will stretch over. 4.If you have tried all of the above and everthing checks out it usually means your motherboard is dying. Caused by a dry solder or a faulty chip. Use hwinfo dos version to check motherboard it has got basic set of tests to run. 5. Broken CD-ROM/ Windows will start up as normal but will freeze just before you go into the welcome screen. 6 Have some really nice friends with a similar comp" /NoNo Another one is that maybe you bumped the power of the CPU LOL! Coz that happened to me already!

How do you know what type or brand RAM you are using?

I presume you are refering to your PC.(I also presume you are not refering to the four legged type of Ram) on your desktop left double click the my computer my computer left double click the Control Panel icon.Left double click the System icon (it looks like a PC screen) This will access the System Properties info.In the general section you should see the makle of PC and the supplier of the chips i.e Pentium and any other info regarding the system you might need.