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Q: What is a row of information that contains data for one person in mail merge?
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In mail merge which type of file contains information that varies for each individual item?

data source

Why is it wrong that a record contains one piece of data about a person or thing?

Not everyone's data, but it could contain some information about some people or things.

Does Data always contains facts true or false?

Data always contains information, but not necessarily facts. Data can be completely made up.

Can data for one person be information for another person?

Yes, data can be considered information for one person if it is relevant and meaningful to them. For example, a list of numbers may just be data to one person, but to another person who understands the context and can derive insights from it, it becomes information.

What is a organized meaningful data called?

Organized meaningful data is called information. Information that is useful to one person is not necessarily useful to another person.

If a cell contains incorrect data how can it be corrected in excel?

Click on the cell with the incorrect data and change the data to the correct information.

What typically contains descriptive information about items in rows or contains information that helps to group the data in the worksheet?

They would be called headings or labels.

Which part of a data packet contains error-checking information?

The trailer

What kind of information does citydata contain?

The website City Data contains census information on different cities and communities of the United States. City Data contains information such as real estate, tax information, and housing values for each community or zip code.

Can data for one person be information for another?

yes ofcourse.e.g. for an average person 3.14 is data, but for an engineer it is a value of Pi i.e. Information.

What is data base record?

A database record is a row of data. The row contains fields that are arranged in columns. Each field contains a single piece of information.

What is a data base record?

A database record is a row of data. The row contains fields that are arranged in columns. Each field contains a single piece of information.