You can save it in NUMERIC or varchar datatype.
In a database, a field property defines the characteristics of a specific field within a table. These properties can include data type (such as text or numeric), length constraints, default values, and whether the field is required or allows null values. Field properties help ensure data integrity and consistency within the database.
1. What are two ways that database software makes numeric data storage and use easy and fast?
types of validations are: required field validation range validation pattern matching validation database specific validation numeric validation
You need to redefine the char field either in W/S or where it is defined in the input file. If you redefine a char field to numeric you should do a numeric test on the field before using it as numeric, otherwise your may abend with a S0C7. Yea, that's the hard way to do it above... This is one of the most common Easytrieve questions I encounter in the field. There is a macro that is shipped from CA called ALHPACON. You send it an alpha field and it returns a numeric. %ALHPACON ALPHA-FIELD NUMERIC-FIELD Ask your systems programmer to look for the shipped macros if it is not in your maclib.
No it is not false. Database fields do have field sizes and data types.No it is not false. Database fields do have field sizes and data types.No it is not false. Database fields do have field sizes and data types.No it is not false. Database fields do have field sizes and data types.No it is not false. Database fields do have field sizes and data types.No it is not false. Database fields do have field sizes and data types.No it is not false. Database fields do have field sizes and data types.No it is not false. Database fields do have field sizes and data types.No it is not false. Database fields do have field sizes and data types.No it is not false. Database fields do have field sizes and data types.No it is not false. Database fields do have field sizes and data types.
Decimal. Percentage. Currency.
A field in a database is often identified by a unique field or column name. This field name serves as the identifier for that particular data attribute within the database table. Assigning distinct and meaningful field names helps organize and reference the data effectively within the database system.
In database systems, the fields Integer, Number, Floating, Long are the datatypes used for storing and representing numbers or numeric data. Calculations can be performed based on these data types. Refer to the application/system specific manual for the exact implementation of the above.
This is true in any database (Access, Oracle). A number field is technically called a "NUMERIC" field. Only numbers can be inserted into a field that has this designator. A text field is for characters or numbers. It can be a "CHAR" (character), a VARCHAR (characters or numbers). It's basically a way of putting rules on columns--what type of data belongs there.
is where the properties in the field is unique