A media literate person is always aware of distinguishing between fact and opinion. They are critical thinkers who question sources, seek out multiple perspectives, and fact-check information before forming an opinion.
This website may often give a true answer to a particular question. Always be aware that the quality of any answer will always depend on the real experience and the real intentions of the person giving that answer.
You should be tested by an allergist so you are aware of the specific foods you are allergic to. Those are the foods you should always avoid.
In most cases the answer is no. However, a person can have a very mild seizure, which they are aware of and so they are aware of their surroundings. The seizure would not even be noticeable to anyone else.
can be careless sometimes
This phrase implies that someone who is guilty will always be aware of their wrongdoing and will carry a sense of guilt with them wherever they go. It suggests that a guilty conscience is hard to ignore and can affect a person's thoughts and actions.
Sin is turning away from God. We do this by our actions, our thoughts and our omissions. Sin is a deliberate act and we are always aware of it, although sometimes we may deny that it is a sin.
Deciding to trim a budget is always a good idea if a person is looking to save money. There are always expenses that can be cut from a budget, even when there seem to be no expenses that can be cut. A person simply needs to be aware of all the choices he or she makes, such as transportation choices. A person should always be sure to look at the distances he or she needs to drive between two points, in order to figure out the cost of that transportation. This can be a truly wise choice for any person.
It is not always possible to be aware of all aspects of consciousness as our awareness is limited by our attention and focus. Additionally, consciousness encompasses a wide range of mental processes that may not always be accessible to our conscious awareness.
You cannot force someone to become self-aware. A person needs to choose to become self-aware. The best way to become self-aware is to meditate.
A person could always help a deaf or blind person who may be struggling in public. Businesses can also be more aware of disabilities and provide more TTY services and large-print services.