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examples of mainframe computer

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Eldred Bergstrom

Lvl 10
2y ago
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7y ago

Mainframes (often colloquially referred to as big iron) are large and "expensive" computers used mainly by government institutions and large companies for mission critical applications, typically bulk data processing such as censuses, industry/consumer statistics, ERP, and financial transaction processing.

The word mainframe refers mostly to the computer's metal housing(s), not the hardware inside that housing(s); or the use the computer is put to. Almost all computers prior to the middle 1960s were mainframes, until monolithic silicon integrated circuits allowed the circuitry of the computer to be miniaturized enough to allow the use of significantly smaller housings and the introduction of minicomputers. In the early 1970s, LSI and VLSI microprocessors allowed further miniaturization and the use of even smaller housings and the introduction of microcomputers.
Mainframe computers are giant computers designed to process and store massive amounts of data. Mainframe computers take up whole rooms and usually have their own dedicated air conditioning systems due to the amount of heat they generate.

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13y ago

Main frames are BIG computers:

Since 1993, the fastest supercomputers have been ranked on the TOP500 list according to their LINPACK benchmark results. The list does not claim to be unbiased or definitive, but it is a widely cited current definition of the "fastest" supercomputer available at any given time.

As of November 2010:

Name; Structure

1) Tianhe-1A; NUDT YH Cluster

2) Jaguar; Cray XT5

3) Nebulae; Dawning TC3600 Blade

4) TSUBAME 2.0; HP Cluster Platform 3000SL

5) Hopper; Cray XE6

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15y ago

A mainframe is usually used for critical applications and bulk data processing (for example census processing, large company payrolls).

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11y ago

Go ask your local bank. Their central offices probably use a number of them for bulk financial transactions.

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12y ago

used in NASA and war ect.

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