

What is a internet client?

Updated: 11/19/2022
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Q: What is a internet client?
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If internet is a client server network?

For the internet; your web browser is the client and the web server is the server.

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A Netizen is an internet citizen. A Netizen client is the software used by the Netizen to communicate with other Netizens, such as Twitter or Skype, an e-mail client or a user-agent (internet browser).

What is a Netizen client?

A Netizen is an internet citizen. A Netizen client is the software used by the Netizen to communicate with other Netizens, such as Twitter or Skype, an e-mail client or a user-agent (internet browser).

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An IRC Client, or Internet Relay Chat Client, is a program used to connect to an Internet Relay Chat server so that a user can chat via text-based messages in real-time.

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How does a client computer is asssigned a data link address?

it is the work of the Internet service provider to locate and assign the ip address, when ever any client computer is connected to the Internet.

What is the importance of internet to tour operator?

Tour operator is really depends on internet. Booking the client airline ticket, booking the client hotel, make reservation in places. And now the cheapest marketing is also through internet

When I run a BitTorrent client I can't access the internet with any other program such as MSN or Firefox and the other computers on the network can't access the internet Why is this?

You bittorrent client maybe opening to many con current connections to the internet .

What is an MIRC?

mIRC is an Internet Relay Chat client for Windows.

What does 'Mibbitian' mean in an internet chat room?

It means they're using Mibbit, a internet IRC client.