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GPU's are specialized to handle all information at once

CPU's are specialized at handling one task at a time.

a CPU dose one task at a time but switches between tasks fast enough that we don't perceive it.

the GPU dose all tasks at the same time, as a result is much faster and has typically been more suited to deliver a image to a screen in applications such as gaming. modern GPU's however have managed to find ways to bridge the gap between CPU/GPU technology and have shown to compute most tasks faster than CPU's

Some consumer GPU's have been shown to compute at terraflop levels which is several times faster than any consumer CPU's on the market.

(btw please don't edit this answer if you have no idea what your talking about) I'm tired of people changing words.. it makes the rest of us look bad

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Q: What is a graphics processing unit specialized to handle?
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What performs the same kind of computational work that a CPU performs but is specialized to handle 3 D graphics and image and video processing?

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What does the Graphics Processing Unit do?

The GPU processes all of the graphics and video, instead of relying on the CPU.