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A disk with data scattered throughout it (as a result of erasing and adding data in the computer) is referred to as being fragmented.

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Q: What is a disk with data scattered and empty locations where files have been deleted?
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How do you delete data that was deleted already but still in the registry?

You have to empty the recycle (trash) bin to completely delete files.

What is the purpose of a recycle bin on a computer?

When we delete any files or folders ,it does not actually get deleted right away,it goes to the recycle bin.This deleted files remain in the recycle bin until we empty the bin.this is the advantage that we can recover files or folders if they ae deleted by mistake

What does the Restore Button in the Recycle Bin do?

The "Restore" feature in the recycle bin does exactly what it sounds like, restores. It will take the files that are currently in the recycle bin and restore them to their original locations from where they were deleted.Items in the recycle bin aren't completely "deleted" until you choose the "Empty Recycle Bin" feature. That way if something is deleted on accident, it can be recovered.

How can one restore deleted files?

It's not hard to restore deleted files. First check and make sure you didn't empty your recycle bin, if the file is still in there, just restore it. In order to restore them, you must first download a free file recovery program.

Why is important to Recover deleted files?

It is just important to recover deleted files that are needed.

Can joinme see you're deleted files? can see your screen but can it see deleted files?

How do you recover deleted files?

You can check your recycle bin if deleted files are still there but if your files are permanently deleted then you should go for a recovery service. I have tried Stellar data recovery service to get my important files. You can go for it too.

Where does Windows 7 send files or folders when deleted?

The Recycle Bin. Windows keeps a special folder, for each disk, for the deleted files; if you open the "Recycle Bin", Windows will show you the deleted files for all connected drives.Note that Windows keeps only a certain number of MB of files for each drive; once that is passed, the oldest deleted files are eliminated permanently, when additional files are deleted.

CAN you restore a deleted file from your recycle bin?

No. When you clicked empty it tells you you cannot. The only way you MAY be able to get a the file back is if you recently used it before you deleted it, if you did that, you can go to recent files and pull it back up.

Where do deleted files go if not the recycle bin?

Nowhere, they are deleted.

How can you recover deleted files from your Sony Camcorder Don't know specific model I have used it quite a lot since the files were deleted I didn't know they were deleted Please help Thanks?

No chance !... Once a file is deleted, the memory previously used by that file is marked as 'free' space. As you say, you've '...used it since the files were deleted...' - I can almost guarantee the deleted files will not be recoverable !

Can jar files be deleted?
